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Buzzards Bay Brewing Company - Buzzard's Bay West Porter

Buzzards Bay Brewing Company - Buzzard's Bay West Porter

Beer Club featured in U.S. Microbrewed Beer Club


United States

Alcohol by Volume:


Buzzards Bay Brewing Company - Buzzard's Bay West Porter

  • ABV:

  • Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):

  • Serving Temperature:

    45-50° F
The Buzzards Bay West Porter knocked our socks off! It's brewed with a combination of two-row pale, caramel, carafa malts, oats and black patent roasted barley. A full-bodied grain selection to be sure. The Russels hop it up with both U.S. Magnum hops grown on the farm and English East Kent Goldings hops. We liked this porter very much as it possesses all the fullness and flavor of an oatmeal stout, yet with the refreshing mouth feel of a traditional porter. Look for a full-bodied experience with hints of chocolate and coffee. The complex malt profile is unquestionably the foundation of this tasty treat, one which provides a richness and big flavor. We also liked the brewery's choice and usage of hops. The hop profile complements the malt character nicely. Overall, a killer beer to drink instead of having dessert or to warm you up on a cold winter day.
The following paragraph comes right out of the Buzzard's Bay Brewing Company's mission statement. "The purpose of Westport Rivers, Westport Farms and the Buzzards Bay Brewing Company is to provide an organizational structure within which members of the Russell Family and others can participate in the use of agricultural land for the production of food, wine and beer, for the service of the public good, and for the expression of each person's individual talents. We believe that land is a valuable resource to be used in Godly stewardship as the basis for providing a sufficient source of income. We believe that the heritage and traditions of our ancestors, those who came before us and those that we come in contact with are to be respected and maintained. We believe that excellence is a way of thought and living whereby the best of our talents and the talents of those around us are nurtured and cared for." Okay, it's a bit wordy in some places, but all in all, we like it! Mostly the part about using the land to make food, beer & wine! We also liked the beers these good folks are brewing and know you will too.

Few microbreweries have a sister vineyard or a well thought out manifesto, but Buzzards Bay Brewing has both. The Russell family, who owns the brewery, also operates the successful Westport Rivers Vineyard and Winery.

Buzzards Bay Brewing is based in the heart of the southeastern Massachusetts farming community of Westport. The owners even grow some of the ingredients used to brew their ales to produce a truly locally made and handcrafted product. Historically, this region of the country has been known for producing some of the finest hops grown. You know, Samuel Adams was growing some hops not too far away!

In 1982 Bob and Carol Russell purchased historic "Smith Long Acre Farm." Following a family discussion, a stewardship statement was drafted. The family declared they would create an organizational structure that would participate in the agricultural use of those lands for the production of food, wine, and beer. They also aimed to integrate each family member's individual talents, and serve the public good. With their noble manifesto in mind, the Russell's created two successful ventures founded upon their deep regard for local agriculture. (Portions of their profits from beer go towards the preservation of farmland in Massachusetts.)

The brewery started in the summer of 1998 and by that winter was producing 3,000 gallons of ale a day. The Russell's brew, bottle, and package all of their microbrews at the brewery. Their German-made Kunzel 4-roll mill cracks the malt into superlative grist. A custom made Newland's 3-vessel brew house then assists in converting that grist into ales. The resulting brew is so fresh, the Russells say, "it will transport you straight to the gentle rolling hills outside our front door."

For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (508) 636-2288 or check out their web site at
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