Carmel Brewing Company - Cypress Amber Ale
4.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
25 -
Serving Temperature:
37-42° F
We are pleased to assist in the debut of this refreshing American amber ale by providing you with beer bottled from one of the brewery's first batches. Cypress is brewed with 60 % 6-row pale malts, 20% Munich, 15% Caramel, and lastly 5% Carapils malts. Cluster and Willamette hops are added for bittering at the beginning of the 90 minute boil while Cascade and Willamette hops are added 5 minutes before the end of the boil for their aromatic contributions. Bob uses a German Lager yeast strain that ferments in warmer temperatures as an ale does to create this unusual style of beer referred to as a California Common. The Great American Beer Festival defines the style as an American Lager/Ale.
Look for a deep copper color in this filtered, medium-bodied beer. Notice a very nice complex fruity and caramely nose in which floral hoppiness is also evident. This smooth beer's flavor has a strong, fruity malt character and a medium hop bitter finish. It is slightly maltier than the traditional definition of this style. Also note a slight hint of roasted notes in this beer's flavor. Overall, an American Amber Lager/Ale.
Look for a deep copper color in this filtered, medium-bodied beer. Notice a very nice complex fruity and caramely nose in which floral hoppiness is also evident. This smooth beer's flavor has a strong, fruity malt character and a medium hop bitter finish. It is slightly maltier than the traditional definition of this style. Also note a slight hint of roasted notes in this beer's flavor. Overall, an American Amber Lager/Ale.
The first and only microbrewery located on California's Monterey Peninsula, The Carmel Brewing Company began operations only month';s ago. Their brand new 30-barrel Brew House and (2) 60-barrel fermentation tanks give Carmel an annual capacity of 3000 barrels. Two additional tanks will be installed before the end of the year, effectively doubling the brewery's capacity. Carmel opened with two different ales, Mission Wheat Ale, a light-bodied German Hefeweissen, and Cypress Amber Ale, an American amber ale. Both beers were formulated by Bob Weisskirchen, former brewmaster at Blitz Wienhard and best known for his formulation of Henry's Dark, Light and Weinhard's ale. The brewery's president, Paul Tarantino, plans to develop a number of different seasonal ales as well and is currently fine-tuning a Christmas ale to be available later this year. Tarantino, of no relation to the accoladed film director whom brought us Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, rejected proposals to name any future products either 'Jungle Boogie Ale' or 'Bring-Out-the-Gimp Stout.'
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (408) 771-0651.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (408) 771-0651.
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