Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company - Cream Stout
5.5% -
Bottle Size:
12-oz -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
20 -
Serving Temperature:
47-52º F -
Suggested Glassware:
Tulip, Snifter, Pint Glass -
Dark Chocolate Malts, Lactose -
Nugget, Mt. Hood
This cream, or milk, stout is brewed with a dose of lactose sugar to sweeten things up a bit – it’s a classic style that aims to create an interplay between the typical roasty stout character and balancing sweetness. This interpretation from Lazy Magnolia pours a very deep brown color, capped with plenty of attractive brown foam. Look for some definite chocolate toastiness on the nose, accompanied by prominent caramel notes, a hint of char/smoke, and some mild-roasted coffee. There's a distinct chocolate-covered caramel impression here. On the palate, we found the aromas came through pretty faithfully. Chocolate malt makes its presence known, while the added milk sugar lends a pleasant touch of sweetness that melds nicely with the caramel notes to produce a beautiful creamy impression. Luckily, the sweetness never gets out of hand, playing its role very well as a counterpoint to the roasty malt bitterness and hop acidity. A natural partner for a bowl of vanilla ice cream, for the culinary adventurous we think this stout would make a nice marinade as well. The brewery also recommends barbecued meats, oysters, and chocolate. Cheers!
The Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company was founded by Mark and Leslie Henderson in 2004. Born and raised in Mississippi, the couple met in college and moved to the Gulf Coast in 2000 to pursue careers in engineering. The first steps toward the founding of Lazy Magnolia occurred one Christmas when Leslie bought Mark a homebrewing kit because she couldn't think of anything else to get him. We’ve all been there, right? You don’t know what to get someone, so you give something that YOU want, and hope for the best. Mark only got to brew one batch of beer before Leslie took over the “brewing operations,” leaving Mark to put his engineering skills to work designing new equipment, tools, and gizmos to enhance the homebrewing process. It didn't take long for this hobby to take over their house and all of their free time. “We were brewing twice every weekend, and we were giving away almost everything that we brewed to friends,” laments Leslie. The house was completely overtaken with 5-gallon glass jugs, copper heat exchangers, and bubbling buckets of beer as they refined their recipes.
Family and friends were so impressed with these homemade creations that they encouraged the couple to go pro; many even offered to invest in such a venture. So Mark and Leslie started doing some serious research to answer basic questions about the legal status of breweries in Mississippi (there were none at that point) and the potential market in the state for specialty beer. Much to their surprise, all answers came back positive. The time seemed ripe for Mississippi to join the rest of the nation in the craft beer revolution. A building was secured in September 2004 and the brewing equipment was delivered in October and fully set-up by December. The dream became a reality in January 2005, when the first batch of beer was brewed on the Lazy Magnolia system, making them the first packaging brewery in Mississippi since Prohibition. Barely up and running, Hurricane Katrina hit, briefly shutting down operations and, sadly, destroying the couple's home, but the beer was flowing again by October.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call 228-467-2727 or check out their web site at

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