Michigan Brewing Company - Peninsula Porter
5.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
36 -
Serving Temperature:
38-43° F
The Michigan Brewing Company was designed as a brewery, not a restaurant. There is a tavern and tasting room on the premises, but no kitchen. You'll always be able to find a barrel full of fresh peanuts and they even let you throw the shells on the floor, but if it's a meal you're looking for, you'd best be packing it yourself or ordering a pizza! Inside the tavern, there are no televisions, no video games, no juke boxes; the Michigan Brewing Company was designed to be a social hall, where guests can come in and listen to a mix of blues and jazz music and enjoy some good beer with friends.
Brewer Dan Rogers keeps a wide selection of beer on tap, including their Sunset Amber Ale, Golden Ale, Nut Brown Ale, Mackinac Pale Ale, Petoskey Pilsner, Superior Stout, Wheatland Wheat Beer, Hamtramck Beer, Big Mac, and two we are featuring this month - Peninsula Porter and High Seas IPA. They also feature several seasonal beers throughout the year.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (517) 521-3600 or check out their web site at www.michiganbrewing.com.

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