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Paper City Brewing Company - Winter Palace Wee Heavy Ale

Paper City Brewing Company - Winter Palace Wee Heavy Ale

Beer Club featured in U.S. Microbrewed Beer Club


United States

Alcohol by Volume:


Paper City Brewing Company - Winter Palace Wee Heavy Ale

  • ABV:

  • Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):

  • Serving Temperature:

    45-50° F
The Winter Palace Wee Heavy Ale is a seasonal Scotch Ale. Because it is a Scotch Ale, it contains a higher percentage of alcohol than other beers, normally between 6 and 10 percent. In Belgium, Wee Heavy means Scotch Ale, in Northern England it means a 70 Schilling heavy and a Wee Heavy is called a Wee Dump. But wherever you are, this brew packs a punch. It is created from North American 2-row and British Roasted malts, along with Cascade hops. You will catch hints of toffee, caramel, and butterscotch in the nose of this deep ruby colored beer. Look for minimal hop bitterness with a chocolate and coffee finish.
Beer Basted Prime Rib


6 lb rib, rump or chuck roast
4-6 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper
Dried thyme and ground sage
1 bottle Riley’s Stout
½ cup beef stock


2 large onions chopped
2 lbs new potatoes coarsely chopped
2 lbs parsnips coarsely chopped
1 lb mushrooms
1 carrot diced
1 stalk celery diced
1 bottle dark beer

Using the tip of a sharp knife, make slits 1 inch deep at regular intervals over the entire surface of the roast. Insert garlic slivers into the slits. Brush outside of roast with ½ cup of beer. Season meat with salt, pepper, thyme and sage. Set in large roasting pan and let sit at room temp while preparing vegetables. Preheat oven to 350û.

Place veggies and one bottle of beer in large pot, cover and cook over medium heat until potatoes and parsnips start to soften (12 -15 min). Add to roasting pan, place in oven and cook meat and veggies, about 15 min per pound. Basting every 10 minutes with 2-3 tbsp of remaining beer. Remove from oven and let stand on serving plate before carving. Skim the fat and discard. Place pan on burner over medium high heat. Pour in stock or leftover beer, and stir to dislodge browned bits. Simmer and season to taste. Serve.
Dear Murl,

I was kicking back, in a semi-intoxicated state after downing half of my shipment in one session, and began to contemplate just where the real serious beer drinkers of the world live. So, oh mighty and wise malty dog, can you tell me specifically what countries have the highest beer drinking consumption levels? By the by, I think your cute.

Cindy Morasch

Appleton, WI

Yo Cindy!

Okay. You’ve got my undivided attention. To be blunt…compliments will get your questions answers and more importantly, they might get you invited over for some treats and heavy petting if you know what I mean! Woof! Woof! We could set a few consumption records ourselves. So, basically, who drinks the most? One time, I drank 17 bowls of Barley Wine and woke up naked in chicken coop with a half eaten Snickers Bar in my paw and two French Poodles at my side, but that’s a different story. The 1995 edition of the Guinness Book of Records list Germany with the highest per capita beer consumption at 142.7 litres per year. However, prior to the reunification of Germany and the split of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, West Germany and Czechoslovakia were nearly tied in the vicinity of 140 to 150 litres per capita. And it is conceded that the per capita consumption is higher in the Czech Republic than in Slovakia. Therefore, based solely on canine-logic, and without the benefit of data or statistics, I'm believe that the Czech Republic has the highest per capita consumption of beer, estimated to be over 150 litres per capita. That is my personal opinion, which should be taken with a grain of barley, but then again, I am pretty damn smart. Hope that helps. Love ya babe.


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