Rockford Brewing Company - Rockford India Pale Ale
7.0% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
49 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
Taking the Bronze in the IPA category of the 1997 World Beer Championships, where over 1300 beers were judged, Rockford’s IPA is off to a good start. The beer, also selected by Michael Jackson to be served as the open selection at one of his most recent Brickseller Beer Tasting sessions, is brewed with a combination of two-row Pale, Munich, Vienne, and Carapils malts. It undergoes five separate hop additions in the boil, involving Galena hops for bittering and Willamette and Kent Goldings for flavor and aroma. A proprietary ale yeast strain is used. Bottom Line? It’s a pretty big beer for such a small state.
This copper-colored, full-bodied IPA starts with a floral and malty sweet nose that hints towards hop spiciness as well. Look for good head retention in this filtered beer. A complex body is maltier than most IPA’s, but a pleasant mix of hop character soon reminds you of the style you’re drinking. We enjoyed a spicy, dry, tangy lingering hop finish. Overall, a complex, very flavorful and unique interpretation of an India Pale Ale.

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