Shmaltz Brewing Company - David's Slingshot
5.3% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
25 -
Serving Temperature:
45-50º F -
Suggested Glassware:
Pint Glass or Mug -
2-Row, Carapils, Vienna, Wheat, Crystal Rye, Oats -
Cascade, Czech Saaz, Crystal, Summit, Citra
David’s Slingshot pours a bright golden color with lots of tight-bubbled foam. On the nose, expect a strong herbal character with a distinctly minty edge, a bit of citrus zest, and a musky, resinous note. On the palate, the malts provide a satisfying core without being heavy, including biscuity, crackery notes with some subtle caramel and hints of wheat and spicy rye. Hops deliver more than a little citric bite, with a deeply herbal character. Look for the bitterness to come across fairly firm, but not over the top. Brewing this as a lager is a great idea, as its crisp, clean lager-like nature helps make it a refreshing brew that’s packed full of powerful hop flavors without the weight that something like an IPA brings to the table. With a pungent hop character like this, it begs for a spicy, exotic pairing. Thai pork with chilies and Thai basil is absolutely perfect. L’Chaim!
Not many brewing companies have the chutzpah to market their beers with the irreverent humor that the Shmaltz Brewing Company has with their He’Brew brand. Though it’s clear they approach their marketing with tongue firmly planted in cheek, make no mistake, that’s where the joke ends; the beers themselves are the real deal, well-crafted by creative brewers whose passion is apparent with each sip.
The idea for He’Brew beers began one night in 1987, when founder Jeremy Cowan and friends were drinking and brainstorming wild ideas for Jewish-themed products. It was then that the idea was born for a Kosher, high holy days celebratory brew to be called “He’Brew,” and boasting the slogan “Don’t Pass Out, Passover!” In 1996, the dream became a reality; Cowan brewed up his first commercial batch of He’Brew Genesis Ale for that year’s Hanukah celebration. After selling all one hundred cases of Genesis Ale out of the trunk of his grandmother’s Volvo, he decided the next year to quit his day job and focus his energy into building the innovative brewing company that stands before us today. After having partnered for many years with Olde Saratoga Brewing Co. to produce the He’Brew line, Shmaltz took the plunge and opened their very own brewery in 2013. Olde Saratoga’s brewmaster, Paul McErlean, now serves as brewmaster for He’Brew, overseeing their 50-barrel brewing system. To learn more about Shmaltz and their He’Brew brand of beers, visit

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