Virgin Islands Ale Brewing Company - Blackbeard Ale
5.2% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
23 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F

The U.S. Virgin Islands (VI), located about 1,500 miles southeast of Florida, are a U.S. Territory. The main islands in the group are comprised of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix. The entire population of the territory is only around 100,000 people or roughly the equivalent of a strip mall in L.A., but the VI gets about 2 million thirsty tourists a year. So, in September of 1997, the Virgin Islands Ale Company opened the only craft brewery in the Caribbean, on the island of St. Croix.
The initial search for a location centered on the islands of Tortola, St. Thomas and St. Croix. The important factors to be considered included availability of good municipal water, high visibility and sufficient space. At one point, St. Thomas had been chosen, but hurricane Marilyn created too many complications. From the time the beer was launched, it quickly became the unofficial "National Beer of the Virgin Islands," replacing other Caribbean beers in many local watering holes’ coolers. The Government House even serves the breweries beers at varied official functions, social gatherings or simply when it’s really hot outside.
The initial search for a location centered on the islands of Tortola, St. Thomas and St. Croix. The important factors to be considered included availability of good municipal water, high visibility and sufficient space. At one point, St. Thomas had been chosen, but hurricane Marilyn created too many complications. From the time the beer was launched, it quickly became the unofficial "National Beer of the Virgin Islands," replacing other Caribbean beers in many local watering holes’ coolers. The Government House even serves the breweries beers at varied official functions, social gatherings or simply when it’s really hot outside.

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