Wagner Valley Brewing Company - Dockside Amber Lager
4.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
27 -
Serving Temperature:
40-45° F
After years of enjoying beer with his crew every grape harvest, Wagner decided to open a microbrewery. He soon added a 20-barrel, German style brewhouse to his winery, with an annual capacity of 3,500 barrels. Brewmaster Andrew Cummings is dedicated to maintaining Wagner's standards of excellence and has created six different beers: Grace House Honey Wheat, Mill Street Pilsner, Dockside Amber Lager, Seneca Trail Pale Ale, Captain Curry's ESB and Caywood Station Stout, all of which are distributed regionally.
The Wagner Valley Brewery was open for only a year when its flagship beer, Dockside Amber Lager, won a gold medal at the 1998 Great American Beer Festival. It is brewed in a three-vessel, steam-fired brewhouse, using a four-step temperature program. Brewers ferment Dockside for seven days at 11° C, after which it is lagered for a minimum of four weeks, rounding out its delicate malt/hop characteristics.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (607) 582-6450 or check out their web site at www.interlakes.com.

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