Yosemite Brewing Company - Half Dome Amber
5.5% -
Int’l Bittering Units (IBUs):
24 -
Serving Temperature:
42-47° F

One monumental evening, while watching snow fall and drinking beer, the two decided to inventory their skill set and concluded that one obvious thing that they were both good at and enjoyed doing was drinking beer. So it was agreed that their new venture should be centered on this staple in their lives. The talk was first of how they could drink beer for a living, but that notion was quickly dismissed due to the fact that there are so many people that are willing to perform the task for free. Next came the idea of selling beer. But whose beer would they sell? It seemed that there were already salesmen for all of the brands of beer available at the time so they decided to make their own beer. Never mind the fact that neither knew anything about beer other than how to open a bottle and drink it. When the name for the beer came into question, the answer was obvious: "Frank and Tolley’s Good Beer". It only took another beer or two to realize that the marketing potential for a beer which such a name would probably preclude selling enough to make any money.
The founders settled on the notion of taking advantage of the majestic park they lived so close to (and the some 4 million that visit it each year) and hence the name of the brewery was established. The boys formed a joint venture with the Meadows Ranch Café and both now occupy a large warehouse that effectively serves as a brewery and brewpub. In addition to the two beers featured this month, Yosemite also produces El Capitan Dark, a brown porter.
For more information about the brewery and scheduled tours, call (209) 742-5713

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